Research and development

We have brought fire expertise to several product development projects in the construction products industry, both in terms of the fire behavior of materials and the design of combustion tests. Our experts have solid experience in demanding research and development related to fire technology. We have carried out research and a large number of studies, including commissioned work as well as participated in the standardization of the industry and the development of fire regulations by providing a basis for regulations. 

We often get initiatives for our research and development projects from customers, but we also do a lot of research and development work based on our own ideas. We have received public funding for some of our research and development projects, but we fund a significant part of our projects ourselves. We are constantly looking for talented students studying fire safety who want to do their thesis with us

Research projects

Many of our experts have a long work history in research, for example at Aalto University or VTT. Therefore, we conduct our research projects with solid expertise. A few examples of our research projects in recent years are

  • opinions on compartmental structures and the use of thermal insulation
  • Renovation of fire regulations and instructions for construction -project (2016): thermal insulation of external walls, prevention of fire spreading from compartments and extension of classification-based design
  • research on heating and fire protection of steel structures
  • research related to fire protection of wood and steel structures
  • participation in several concept development projects of wood construction, such as wooden parking garage development project
  • participation in the development of performance-based fire safety design.

The contribution of our research work to the development of regulations related to fire safety has been very significant. Our employees have also completed numerous theses over the years.

The most recent theses have been Eemeli Könkkölä’s Master’s thesis accepted at Aalto University in December 2021, “Effect of performance-based fire safety design on building’s carbon footprint”, which delves into the effect of performance-based fire safety design on the carbon footprint of buildings, and Timo Rantamäki’s IMFSE training program thesis for Lund University, “Prescriptive and actual occupant load of business premises in Finland before and during covid19” (published in spring 2022), which investigates the determination of person densities in Finland and other countries, compares the number of people measured in Finnish shopping centers with the person density values in the explanatory memorandum of the fire safety regulation and analyzes the effect of the person density on exit safety.

Currently (August 2022), a doctoral research is underway which topic is the development of new material models for simulating the spread of fire.

Product development projects

Most of our product development projects are initiated by a company that designs, manufactures or imports construction products: the company contacts and presents its product concept or tells about fire safety problems with the product or its prototype. For example, it is often desired to know how a product should be modified to meet the fire performance requirements of the desired construction product. In these cases, we offer the manufacturer theoretical level of fire safety consulting or recommend concrete measures based on a more detailed study of the product.

Upon receiving our assignment, we can investigate whether the product or its prototype meets the regulations applicable to it and the planned level of fire safety requirements. The study can be carried out, for example, by simulating how the structure and materials of the product behave in a fire, and by examining whether the fire requirements for the product are met.

After analyzing the product and its flammable behavior, we recommend to the manufacturer measures that can increase the product’s fire-technical functionality. We share our own views on what affects the fire safety of a product or part of it, what product development should focus on in terms of deficiencies, and what we think may be ignored.

Classification of building components and materials

The classification of building components and building materials is determined in accordance with the European classification system defined by the European Commission. European (EN) classification and test standards are used for classification. Compliance with the class requirement can be demonstrated experimentally, computationally, by combining experimental and computational results, or by using acceptable table values. Compliance with the class requirement is determined on the basis of a standardized temperature-time curve.

The fire performance class of a building material is determined by combustion tests measuring the non-combustibility property of the product, calorific value, properties to spread fire, smoke formation, flammability, formation of flammable droplets or parts, and tendencies to smouldering combustion. The fire resistance tests of structures measure load-bearing capacity, tightness, insulation and protective properties. The fire resistance of structures can also be determined by calculation methods in accordance with Eurocode design standards.

If necessary, we train the product manufacturer for classification testing to obtain the widest possible scope of classification, as testing institutes often do not do this, and assist in the design of test arrangements for product classification.

Read more about our services to the product industry