For more information

We serve our customers nationwide. Besides Espoo Head Office, we operate in our regional offices in Tampere, Oulu and Kouvola, and our customers' construction sites and other projects throughout the country. Please do not hesitate to contact us. You can ask questions, request more information or book company presentation by using the contact form below. If you would like to submit an offer request, please use email instead. 

Head office on the map

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    Read from our privacy statement, how we process personal information.

    AAA - Korkein luottoluokitus 2023 Dun & Bradstreet alhaisin riskiluokka 2023 Bureau Veritas ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 RALA pätevyys Vastuu Groupin luotettava kumppani Suunnittelu- ja konsultointiyritykset SKOL ry:n jäsen