Vuosaari traffic tunnels, Helsinki

Vuosaari's 1,600-meter-long submarine road tunnel is at its deepest in Porvarinlahti, about 25 meters below sea level. The tunnel was commissioned in 2007 and is currently the third longest road tunnel in Finland. Our challenges were smoke control and exit safety in a tunnel more than a kilometer long. 

The Vuosaari road tunnel is a 1520-meter-long road tunnel belonging to regional road 103 that undercuts the Labbacka rock area in the Salmenkallio district and continues under Porvarinlahti to Vuosaari harbor. Under Porvarinlahti, the tunnel runs 25 meters below sea level.

The tunnel was opened in October 2007. At its completion it was the longest road tunnel in Finland, but at the moment it has already dropped from the top spot to third place.

The clients of the projects were Rock Design Oy Rockplan Ltd and E.M. Pekkinen Oy. The tunnel was completed in 2007. Our challenges were smoke control and exit safety in a tunnel more than a kilometer long. We solved the challenges by simulating the fire scenarios with different smoke scenarios and sought workable solutions so that the exit safety and the operating conditions of the emergency facility in the tunnel are as good as possible.

Our services in the project

  • Fire simulation
  • opinions on structures of fire compartments
  • negotiations with the authorities
  • consulting for other designers

Vuosaari road tunnel on the map

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